Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Going Home!


Rees Family said...

Oh my goodness, Michelle. He is adorable!!!! I just want to HOLD HIM! Careful, I may never give him back. I just think newborns are too sweet. Congrats!!!

Sherri Araiza said...

He is so precious!!! Congratulations on your sweet little boy. We're so glad that everyone's happy and healthy!!!

Kea said...

You look great Michelle! Congratulations!

Elke said...

He's a cutie, and look how good YOU look! I pulled that off with my first and second, but I have almost 2 months to go with number three, and I'm already as big as I was at the birth of the other two.

The Expatts said...

He looks so much like you! He is a doll, and you look AMAZING so soon after... secret please??? Congrats!